Getting Started Using the heyhuman Portal

This guide will help you get up and running with heyhuman in no time.

Step 1: Visibility Settings

Navigate to the Widget Settings section and select the Visibility tab.

Widget Settings selected

Here you can configure a few basic things about the visibility of heyhuman. In most cases, "Serve Live Requests" is the only thing you may want to change.

Widget Visibility pane

Step 2: Widget Appearance

Now that the Visibility settings are good to go, select the Widget Appearance tab within the same Widget Settings section of the heyhuman portal.

Widget Appearance pane

On this tab, you can set the color scheme for heyhuman. Note: You can toggle the widget preview on the right to see how the colors look for Vertical or Horizontal layouts.

Step 3: Create Your First Video Journey

The Video Journeys feature is at the heart of your heyhuman setup. A Video Journey is a collection of interconnected short-form videos and strategic call-to-action buttons that guide your visitors through a seamless experience. You have the flexibility to create multiple video journeys tailored to various aspects of your brand, such as: An introductory journey showcasing your company's values and offerings A detailed journey explaining your pricing structures, highlighting subscription tiers, and enabling users to select a plan And much more - it's all about crafting engaging narratives that resonate with your audience To get started, navigate to the Video Journeys tab within Widget Settings and click the "Add new VideoJourney" button.

Video Journeys pane

Now a new video journey has been added that we can work from.

a new video journey is created

Using the Video Journey Name field, go ahead and give this video journey a name to make it easier to find, ie. "Intro Journey"

naming the journey

Now press the Save button at the bottom of this Video Journey, remember you can Save at any time to preserve your changes. Changes may be lost if you navigate away from the page without saving.

image of save button

Now that you have Saved, go ahead and click the Main Video field, where it says "Click here to select a video". This is where we can set the main video for our journey, which will always be played first.

image of main video field

Clicking should open the Video Library. The Video Library, which can also be accessed directly from its Widget Settings tab at the top of the screen, is where you can go to upload and manage videos within heyhuman. Let's use it to upload your first video into heyhuman, and set this journey's main video.

Alternatively, you can record videos directly in heyhuman using the "Create Videos" tab in the side menu of the heyhuman portal. You can learn more here.

image of create videos tab

Click the + button on the first tile to go to the video upload form.

image of new video plus button

Type in a title for your video, this will help you identify the video later on if needed, and also is displayed to the user when they hover over the video in heyhuman.

Now click browse, or drag and drop a file into the pane to upload your video. Once the upload completes, press Submit.

image of video upload form

Once submitted, this uploaded video will be available in the library. Click the video you uploaded, and press the green Select button.

image of selected video in library

Now you should see the video has been set for Main Video. Make sure to press Save again to preserve your changes to the Video Journey.

The next section you will see is for setting up to 3 Call-to-Action buttons. The most common use of these buttons is to add a clickable link, or trigger another related video journey. Any button label that is left blank will not be displayed in heyhuman, so only fill out this information if you want it to show up on this video journey.

image of call to action fields

Set these buttons as you like, and make sure to hit Save if you have any changes.

Moving on, you should see a Videos section, this it to add additional videos that play after the Main Video. If you want to add additional videos, go ahead and click the Add Video button and upload a video like we did before, saving any changes you might make along the way.

image of additional videos field

Please note that these additional videos will play on heyhuman in the order they appear in the list.

The last setting we need to pay attention to is the URL Path List. This is where you can configure what pages this video journey will appear on. For example, if you want this journey to play on the root/homepage of your site, you would enter / in the input box, and hit the + button. For you would enter /help.

If you just want this video journey to show up on all of your pages, you can use the Display Video Jouryney Everywhere dropdown at the top of the Video Journeys page. Leave this set to None if you want to set specific URLs for journeys to display on.

Remember to Save your changes.

image of URL path list

image of display video journey everywhere dropdown

Finally, an optional initial video can be added to replace the main video during the initial state of heyhuman. This is added in the same way as the Main Video.

image of initial video field

Step 4: Widget Integration

The final step to setting up heyhuman is visiting the Widget Integration tab in Widget Settings. Here, you can copy and paste the heyhuman code snippet. Once copied, simply insert this code between the <head> tags of your site's HTML. If you're unsure how to do this, we're happy to help!

Interested in using heyhuman as an embeddable video player? We've got you covered! Check out our blog post on the topic here.