How to Record and Trim Videos Seamlessly in heyhuman

We're thrilled to announce a new feature that will transform the way you use heyhuman: the ability to record and trim videos directly within the heyhuman portal!

heyhuman logo inside of heyhuman video editor

Why the Excitement?

In a world dominated by short-form videos, we understand the importance of providing you with tools that make the content creation process not just efficient but downright enjoyable. With our new feature, your video creation experience is about to get a whole lot smoother.

Seamless Creation, Right Within heyhuman

Say goodbye to the hassle of recording and trimming videos outside of heyhuman and uploading them to the portal. Now, you can do it all in one place! Whether you're on your smartphone or PC, the heyhuman portal lets you unleash your creativity without any external tools.

How to Get Started:

create videos button in heyhuman portal
  1. 1. Log In: Head to your heyhuman portal and log in.

  2. 2. Navigate to "Create Videos": Look for the new "Create Videos" option in the portal side menu.

  3. 3. Record, Trim, and Upload: Follow the intuitive interface to record and trim your videos. When you are finished you'll see an option to upload it directly to your library where you can use it in your video journeys.

Ready to Elevate Your Engagement?

Join the ranks of people who are already maximizing their engagement with heyhuman. Try out our new video creation and trimming feature today and witness the difference. Not using heyhuman yet? Sign up to start engaging your users!